A Perfect Fit

Stronger Together

The ultimate authority lies with the members of AEE-Ethiopia who form the General Assembly. They continue to appoint the Board of Directors every three years.

AEE Ethiopia has a vibrant and experienced Board of Directors. For all our operations, the Board of Directors of exercises governance authority on behalf of the General Assembly in line with the requirements of our Articles of Association.

We maintain a lean but effective organization structure aimed at minimizing the cost of doing business. This structure is divided into the governance and management teams. The governance team is headed by the chairperson of the board while the management team is headed by the National Team Leader.
+ 2505
65760 +
Lifes Impacted
Governance Team Our Team

Meet the Board

CPA John Doe

Chairman Board of Directors

Mr. Eric Smith

Vice Chair

Dr. Jane Wadime

Our Core Values​ What Drives Us


Committed to evangelism and discipleship – with a focus on urban areas


We see ourselves as stewards of resources entrusted to us by God Himself through the actions of AEE Members, donors and other development partners.


Our aspiration is to pursue excellence using industry standards, innovative means as well as objectivity in all we do

Team work

We believe that working in teams yields far greater results than merely the sum of individual members

We value Partnerships

The types of partnerships where the values of each partnering entity are respected and where mutual understanding informs all agreed actions.

Executive Team Our Team

Meet the Team

We need you, together we can go further...

Decide & Make a Difference!

Nation Team Leader

Rev. Canon Dr. Benson

Rev. Canon Dr. Benson Baguma holds a Doctoral Degree in Management from the Swiss Management Centre; a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Leadership & Management in Organizational Leadership & Management from Uganda Christian University; and a Bachelor’s Degree in Divinity from Makerere University.


Rev. Canon Dr. Benson Baguma holds a Doctoral Degree in Management from the Swiss Management Centre; a Master of Arts Degree in Organizational Leadership & Management in Organizational Leadership & Management from Uganda Christian University; and a Bachelor’s Degree in Divinity from Makerere University.

Between 2002 – March 2020, Rev. Canon Dr. Baguma served as Executive Director, Kagando Rural Development Centre and Rwenzori Anglican University Project Campus. This was under the South Rwenzori Diocese. He has been actively involved in evangelistic missions starting as a student leader at Bishop Tucker Theological College. He has a passion for sharing the Good News of salvation with people. He has served as a member of the Board of Directors and later as Chairperson, of Kisinga Vocational Secondary School from 2015 to-date. He has also served on various Boards of Christian organizations. He has a working knowledge and experience at mobilizing resources from a variety of donors and has proven competences for building strategic alliances and partnerships. He is a born-again Christian.

Rev. Canon Dr. Benson Baguma is married to Ziran Kisembo Baguma. Together, they have been married for 36 years, and have been blessed with five daughters – Annet (36 years), Diana (32 years), Agatha (30 years), Alice (29 years) and Maureen (27 years) – two of whom are married. They are also blessed with four grandchildren.

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